30 March 2012

Style Post 3.30.12

Bees and flowers...what a perfect way to start dressing up for spring! This is what I wore today to go shopping with Faustina and her sister Dianna. I woke up a little later than I wanted to, so I went without makeup. No big deal. As for the hot mess that is my hair, it's in that awkward growing out stage right now where I can't really do anything but put it up in a stubby little ponytail. Does my sparkly headband make it a little better or does it just draw more attention to its awkwardness? Either way, I'm not one to let a makeup-free face and bad hair day ruin a lovely day with friends!

Make that a makeup-free face, bad hair day, and a loose thread on my top caused by snagging it on a hanger. Oops!

I own way more purses than I'd care to admit and this one is one of my favorites. It was a present from my cousin and his wife for either my eighteenth birthday or my high school graduation. (I can't remember which anymore.)

Don't worry, I did wear my trusty little black shorts under that top!

Embroidered/Crochet Top:  HaleBol. Cardigan: Forever 21. Shorts: Charlotte Russe. Tights: Nordstrom. Flats: Jeffrey Campbell. Bracelets: Charlotte Russe. Headband: Tasha.

21 March 2012

Lovely Things 3.21.12

Two days ago, I went to the public library with my boyfriend so he could use the internet to pay for a smog check. It was then that I decided to finally replace my library card that I lost...oh, I don't even know how many years ago. I was kind of nervous because I was pretty sure I owed like, a million dollars in late fees from when I was younger. Luckily, the librarian was kind enough to waive all the fees for me since I was a minor back then. Whew! Anyway, I checked out three books (one of which I finished in one day after reading an all-night reading session). That day in the public library inspired this Lovely Things post. Enjoy! (P.S. Pictures link back to their sources.)

Isn't this such an elegant libary? I love the ornate ceiling, rich wood floors, and two big globes. This library reminds me of a cross between Jane Austen and Indiana Jones. Haha.

I'm still pretty young (only 23 years old), but I will admit that I am old enough to remember life without computers. I remember seeing these card catalogue things in our school library when I was in elementary school. And yes, I did know how to use them!

Ah, the fine art of annotating a book. I did this in high school for my AP English classes, but I can't bear the thought of writing in my books now. Maybe it's because I like to take notes using neon highlighters and multicolored pens.
Penguin classics are so lovely. I hate dust jackets and I always take mine off of my books. I really like the feel of cloth bound books, which is part of the appeal of these beautiful covers.

This little reading nook is my dream. How perfect would it be to be surrounded by books and a view of the trees outside? Just add a cup of tea, a throw, and maybe a few more pillows and I'd be more than content for a few hours.

This home library is completely impractical (Can you imagine having to dust all of those books?), but still amazing. I would have way too much fun climbing up and down that ladder, looking for the perfect book.

This home library is pretty nice too. If I lived her, I'd add a bar table and stool upstairs to create a Barnes and Noble/Starbucks feel to the space. Neat!

20 March 2012

Style Post - Gayle and Faustina's St. Patrick's Day Outfits

Oh dear. Has it really been four months in between Style Posts? I'm afraid so. Anyway, what better way to end my long break from outfit posting than to share what I wore for St. Patrick's Day?

Emerald green is actually my #1 favorite color, even though I don't own a lot of clothing in this gorgeous shade (save for a matching green and black lace lingerie set from Victoria's Secret - tee hee!). I found this ruffled green blouse at Forever 21. The moment I saw it, I knew it'd be perfect for St. Patrick's Day or any other time I want to paint the town red GREEN.

I know it's almost impossible to see, but I was also wearing the emerald ring that my mom gave me for my birthday. How could I not? The color of the stone matched my blouse almost perfectly! I need to take a good picture of it soon so I can show all of you guys. It's that gorgeous. :)

It was cold and rainy all throughout the day and into the night, so shorts and flats may not have been the best choice. Don't worry though. I'm not completely crazy. I did wear a sweater too. And I somehow managed to not step into any large puddles.

My BestFriend Faustina came over to my house before we met up with other friends in Corona. I think it's awesome that she arrived just in time to be part of this very special Style Post. Isn't she absolutely gorgeous? - and I might also add, much more practically dressed than I was! I need to remember to ask if I can borrow that fabulous jacket she's wearing. ::hint hint::

Here we are at Dempsey's Sports Bar & Grill. As expected, it was super crowded with all sorts of people: classy girls with their friends and boyfriends, klassy girls who weren't wearing nearly enough clothing, perfectly decent guys who actually said excuse me when walking past you, and complete douche bags as well. In other words, it was the usual bar scene. And yes, those are green beers. They tasted like crap - more like beer flavored water than anything else. Yours truly was a klutz and managed to spill about a quarter of that beer all over herself...while still sober. Fail, fail, fail!

Overall, St. Patrick's Day was a lot of fun this year. Did anyone else do anything fun last Saturday? Let me know!

Outfit Details:
Emerald Green Ruffled Blouse: Forever 21. Shorts: Charlotte Russe. Heart Dot Tights: Nordstrom. Ballet Flats: Report.

17 March 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I always have and always will love St. Patrick's Day - as much as any completely non-Irish Asian girl can possibly love it. Haha. Corned beer and cabbage. Guinness and the most gorgeous shades of green. What's not to love?

16 March 2012

A Magical Day at Disneyland

I may or may not have mentioned this already, but my wonderful boyfriend spoiled me this year by getting us Disneyland annual passes for my birthday/early anniversary present. We tried to get into the park for the "One More Disney Day" event on Leap Day, but FAILED. However, we got to enjoy a day at Disneyland one week later when there weren't so many people. Special event or not, Disneyland is always magical.

Luke and I stopping to take a picture by Sleeping Beauty's Castle. The way we see it, you can never be too old to wear mouse ears. :)

This picture makes me laugh. I think Luke was trying to do his best fashion blogger pose. Haha. 

It's pretty much always Mardi Gras in Disneyland's New Orleans Square, but I especially loved how everything was decorated for the Bayou Bash. Look at all these vibrant colors!

This little staircase area is right by Pirates of the Caribbean. Again, I loved all the decorations!

And of course, lovely flowerbeds always make me smile.

07 March 2012

(Semi) Wordless Wednesday - "Some Kind of Magical"

Guess where I'm going tomorrow? I'll give you a hint...

I'll be sure to take lots of pictures. :)

06 March 2012

10 Things Tuesday - At a Crossroads

As the title of this post implies, yes, I am at a crossroads...

I took these pictures of me last month while Faustina and I were getting ready for her birthday dinner. As much as I don't want to sound boastful, I really do think that day was a perfect hair day. My hair was still short, but just long enough to set into little pin curls. My hair is still growing (obviously!), and soon it'll be too long to style just like this. Soon I will have to make a decision: Should I keep my hair this short or should I grow it out? These ten gorgeous hairstyles (found via Pinterest) make me want to have long hair again:

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